KRP WEEK Technical seminar
Our Yoshida goes on the platform for E2 techniqunical seminar held in KRP on August 1.
E2 technical seminar
“Battle front – IT infrastructure, pictorial image sensing security ~ of the IoT technology supporting the global era”
I introduce a pictorial image sensing example titled an example introduction 2 “high-speed C-MOS camera and application example”.
A time-of-day: A Tuesday, August 1, 2017 from 13:30 to 16:00
place: KRP east district Building No. 1 the fourth floor AV meeting room entrance fee: Free of charge
Apply for the application than the exclusive URL of the KRP-like Web site.
KRP WEEK E2 Technology seminar.pdf
It is programed KRP Week 2017 held in 7/31 – 8/6.
About KRP WEEK from this